
The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land.” – G.K. Chesterton

Friday 14 July 2006

It's interesting to observe the feelings I go through in the lead up to my departure for Japan. I was really excited when I initially found out in April that I was accepted in the JET Program. Then guarded apprehension dominated (although lasting no more than a few days) when I found out about my inaka placement in May. Then it was back to excitement as I chatted more with my predecessor and others who have been to or are from Japan as I was given lots of things to look forward to (amongst things not to look forward to).

Right now? For the past couple of weeks I've been feeling overwhelmed and a little bit scared. Overwhelmed by the amount of things that we still have to do. Scared about leaving the familiarity of Perth, family and friends, and being chucked in a foreign world where I don't know much of their language and can't understand their spoken English. "Ma-ku-do-na-ru-do? Oh, you mean MacDonald's!" and vice versa (Not that we'll be going to Maccas - I honestly cannot remember the last time I had Maccas.. maybe five years ago?)

A tiny part of me wants to find a good reason to stay behind, but the logical and sensible part of me (thankfully much bigger than the former) knows that I wouldn't want to live with regret of what-could-have-been if I don't grab this opportunity. It's a bit of a surreal feeling to know that in a mere three weeks time, I will be calling Japan home for the next year. At least I won't be by myself! Thanks Rob for being so supportive :)

I'm sure that once we establish a familiar routine in Japan, we will probably like it so much so that we will be reluctant to leave Japan to return back to Perth. Who knows?

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