It has been a crazy busy past few weeks with work and travel on top of my already full mummy schedule. The school I teach at is out for summer vacation, and we just got back from a quick weekend trip to Malaysia for my cousin's wedding, so I have a little bit more time to work on my much-neglected blog! This post goes back to our
California trip in April, on our first stop of our road trip from
Los Angeles to
San Francisco, in gorgeous Santa Barbara. We stayed on State Street, so after checking in to our night's accommodation and dropping off our luggage, we headed back out to walk the 3km down State Street to
Stearns Wharf. It was a beautiful walk, giving us the opportunity to enjoy the clean design of the Victorian architecture, while trying to put the baby down for her nap in the stroller. The following are some shots I took on our walk, which I hope can give you an idea of how gorgeous Santa Barbara is.
Walking down State Street towards the wharf. Everything was immaculate - the clean lines of the architecture, the road and footpaths were free of litter, and absolutely no graffiti in sight:
The following three shots were taken while standing in the same position with the camera pointing in different directions.
Reaching Stearns Wharf, there were paved footpaths that followed the coastline. This would be lovely for a walk or jog:
Facing landward in the direction of East Cabrillo Boulevard:
View of Stearns Wharf from the beach:
The offshore view towards the east from the wharf (click on image for a larger version):
View of the eastern beach from Stearns Wharf (click on image for a larger version):
Some shops in quaint wooden buildings on Stearns Wharf:
I am determined to get through all my California photos before the next trip, so stay tuned for more!
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